Monday, October 20, 2008

Once again, MY MOM

It has been passed around that my mom is having a hard time. I have heard it, not from her, but from my other family members and a few friends. She is having a hard time with the news that I publicized a few days ago...It wasn't the first time she had heard that I am gay but I think it became more real once I posted it on my blog for everyone to read.

I'm not a mom so I can't fully understand but I have an idea of the things that she is feeling. She feels like a bad mom, like she could have and should have done something different so I would be different.

My mom is worlds best mom! I could write novels about the positive influence she has been in my life.

Never in my life have I met anyone who is as giving and loving as my mom. We grew up with friends, family and strangers coming to our house for dinner because my mom found out they didn't have a place to go. It wasn't an unusual thing for my mom to make more food then would feed my family because she didn't know who would be coming over to eat.

I can't remember ever getting in trouble when I was a kid except for when I was mean to Annie Bateman. I told Annie to shutup in 2nd grade and somehow my mom found out. She was upset with me. She helped me understand that I hated it when people were mean to me so I better not be mean to other kids-even if they were mean to me first.

My mom worked 2, 3, 4 jobs at a time to allow me and my siblings to do what we wanted to do (I can't actually remember the number of jobs, I just know that she seemed to always be working. Paper routes, piano teacher, Kopper Kard, Nordstrom and of course, being my mom). It didn't seem she had much time for herself. It didn't seem that way because it wasn't that way.

My dad was sick during my childhood-during my entire life actually. It seemed he spent a lot of time at the hospital or in bed. Looking back it seemed he had bandages on his arms most of the time because of the treatments he had to go through. I always thought my dad was going to die because a lady who lived up the street died of cancer and I knew my dad had cancer so I thought the result would be the same. I really clung to my dad afraid he wouldnt be around much longer but I relied on my mom for survival.

During early elementary school was a hard time for me. I was a major tom boy-which is a perfect thing to be if you want to be made fun daily. When the final bell rang I would run all the way home just to avoid the name calling and sometimes object throwing. When I got to my house I was sometimes in tears and would run in my room and cover my head with my covers. One particular day my mom had enough. She was tired of seeing her baby girl in so much pain.

She scooped me up in her arms and told me that we could go to the store and purchase dresses and dolls so I could be like the other girls OR I could start loving myself and not care about how the other kids treated me. She told me that if I loved myself and started being me, I would someday be respected for it. That lesson has been ringing in my ears since-particularly lately.

Another time during elementary school years, I was at church with my family and I was sitting next to my mom. We sat on the very back row a lot because we were late. One time I remember a man walk in and I turned to my mom and said that he didn't belong in church. I can't remember all the specifics about the man-I just remember he had long hair and was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. My mom grabbed my arm and took me out to the foyer-and explained that every person in the chapel belonged at church-that the man who walked passed us was an important child of God. Then after the meeting we walked to the man and she introduced him to me and I think I even hugged the guy.

I could go on and on about lessons my mom has taught. Before I started high school I went to my mom and asked her for one piece of advice. She advised me to say hi to every single person. She didn't advise me to get good grades or make sure my homework was done. She advised me on something, in my opinion, that is much more important...make sure you're nice to people!

My mom is an all star! She raised me and my siblings with love. She taught by example! I am best friends with my siblings and I attribute that to the way my parents raised me. I feel sad when she is hard on herself. I feel sad that her greatest strength is also her greatest weakness-internalizing the pain of the world and carrying it on her shoulders.

I love you, Mom! And I am so very sorry that I have made you sad and have made you feel like you're a bad mom. That couldn't be further from the truth. You are perfect. You love your children perfectly. I think I am a good person with good standards and morales and those came from you. I am going to continue to do good things in my life-which desire came from you. I feel all of my goodness came from you and all of the things that aren't so good came with me-when I born or perhaps they just developed with time and experience. I don't know-but I do know that you molded me into a good functioning human.

I wish I was home in Utah right now so I could give you a big giant hug. I guess we'll have to wait for Christmas.


mare said...

wow chel-- i don't know how i missed it because it appears that it was a long time ago, but i just now read your post about being lesbian. i know we haven't talked in ages, but i still peek into the ole' blog every now and then just to see how you're doing. i just wanted to say that i'm so glad you didn't leave this world-- you are a great contributor and life is full of hard hard things-- i am just now realizing this somehow. i hope you are healthy and happy. you have always been an amazing example of service to me and i just love ya!

Meg said...

Wow, I hope that I can be a mom like your mom someday. She just loves you, so much. I hope that she feels a little better after reading this post!

Middle Age Moments said...

My dearest Chel Bell,
I read your blog a few days ago. I wish I had a fraction of your writing talent as words feel rather inadequate trying to express the feelings of my heart. I am writing this comment for you, but mostly for your friends and fellow bloggers. I have known or suspected, since she was a young girl. I would try not to think about it as I imagined the pain that Chelsea would go through. And pain it was, it was hell. I spent many days and nights watching Chel not eat, not sleep, basically not functioning at all. But when she went about her work, she would get out of bed, put on her happy-everything-is-fine mask, and go to face the day. I worked some of those days right along side her. She had her beautiful smile on her face but I Knew the hell that was in her heart....and it was hell. Why would anyone choose that? I KNOW this was not a choice for Chelsea. It is who she is. I don't understand it and I don't judge it. I am glad I don't have to. That is why we have a loving and caring Father in Heaven. He knows because He has experienced all of this WITH us. None of this would make any sense without this knowledge. i would be lying if I didn't say that my heart isn't in mourning, not because of who Chels is, but because of the dreams I had for her the second she was born. And probably the dreams she had for herself. But the great thing about dreams is that they can change, and we should keep dreaming, and living those dreams. Chelsea, you have an incredible, unquenchable spirit that can not be allowed to be put out. Like the sunshine that you love, let it always burn bright! I would do anything for you. I would die for you, as I would all of my children. But more importantly, I will live for you, forever grateful to a loving Father who sent me my beloved daughter, Chelsea. Love you forever and always... Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed by the support that you have received from family and friends. I'm also grateful that they've been so kind and understanding. Especially your Mom. I wish my family could understand as your's has.

Brittany said...

Gees ladies, thanks for making me cry! Chels you and your mom have always been such an example to me! I remember coming over to your house and your mom always being so genuinely loving. I wanted to be a mom just like her. I could see the love that she had for all of you. (my mom is the same way maybe thats why I loved your mom so much). You are very lucky to have her and the support she gives you. And I think also vise versa:)

Stacy said...

Hi Chelsea,

I am Danny's big sis. I check your blog from time to time and checked it today. This post made me cry! I don't know you very well,(just that you've been a good friend to Danny) but I think you sound pretty amazing! I admire your courage. I also admire your mother's courage in standing up for you and your family and friends for being supportive! A few years back, I read a book called "In quiet desperation." It was an eye opening book for me. I recommend anyone who is struggling with your news to read it. It may not be the best book written on the subject, but like I said, it really opened my eyes and changed my perception on a lot of things. You can buy it at Deseret Book.
I wish you all the happiness in the world! I'll be lurking from time to time. ;) Stacy

Lamb Fam said...

I just have to comment. I am overwhelmed by the out-pouring of love and support you have received. Not everyone in this situation is as lucky. You know why? Not everyone in this situation is Chelsea Nelson. You have touched so many peoples lives and hearts with your light. I know this first hand. You are truly an amazing person. I can't stress that enough. You are amazing! I am so grateful for the unconditional love that people have for you. I am grateful that everyone has been so warm and accepting. I am grateful to everyone out there reading this who has embraced Chel. Thankyou.
And Chel, as Erica said, aren't you glad it's all over?

Courtenay Beth said...

Be who you are, and love yourself. Chel, my BASSF, you have told me that before, and you are a shining example of it. As for your mom, and shar I hope you read this, from one who was a part of the fam for awhile, I know of NO one so accepting, adoring, non-judging people on this lovely planet, and I mean it. I don't at all blame you for the sadness in your heart, no one would, and if everyone coming out had the support you give,there would be so much more happiness in this world. Chel, you are wonderful, keep being who you are, and Shar, sheesh you keep it up too. As one who has been the beneficiary of your unconditional love, God bless you! Love you both, look to the sunshine and find HOPE.

Henderson said...


I read your blog from time to time, and I thought this post was one of the most beautiful tributes I have ever read. Your mom sounds amazing, and when I read her response I started to cry. You have been SO blessed! Good luck with everything, and keep in touch.


Heather & Josh said...


My goodness between you and your mom you've got me in tears. I've been slacking on my blog watching, and I've just been reading yours. I hope that you can now live your life and be happy! I am so sorry if I've ever said or done anything to hurt your feelings. I love you and the person that you are. I have so many great memories of you, and I am a better person for having known you. You are the most selfless person I know, and have done so many great things for people you don't even know. I love you.