Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Canyon

Tonight I did something with my family that I don't ever remember doing with them. My dad insisted that we've done it before but I can't remember...

We went up Milcreek Canyon, made a fire and cooked dinner! It was so fun being up there with my family. Anyone who knows me well knows that I LOVE being in the mountains. I have spent so much time up there and it truly is the place I feel like me. My mind seems to think clearer, my heart seems to be more grateful, my eyes see beautiful things...I just feel...there is really no word I can think of- I just love it!

Tonight was special to me. Tolman and Addi were there and I got to take them down to the river and tell them that I loved them and taught them a little bit about the trees that were around us. We sat on a rock, threw rocks in the stream and sang, Twinkle Twinkle while looking at the stars. Tolman asked me to sing it a few times. In the middle of the song he grabbed my hand and said he wanted me to stay with him. I stopped singing for a minute to respond but when I stopped he said he wanted me to keep singing. He is so sweet! When I was making my tin foil dinner I reached to get some red peppers when Tolman said, "chel!" I didn't respond to him so he said it again. "CHEL!" I turned and looked at him and asked what he needed. He said, "I just want to tell you that I love you." I got teary and continued making my tin foil dinner. I love that boy!

When I am in the mountains I know for certain that God is real and that I am loved. I feel that He made the mountains just for me! I always love going to the mountains but being there with my family was extra special and I knew more than ever before that I am loved! I have so much to be thankful for!


Unknown said...

hey, this post reminded me that i have a book about a certain canyon with a PICTURE of you in it! it brought me such joy! it was the national geographic of logan canyon. you are on a rope course. that you brought back to life. remember that? and everyone was blown away? anyhow, i was so happy.

Lisa said...

Remember how I'm always saying you remind me so much of Jeff...I think you just put into words how he feels about being in the mountains...he's never been able to express it quite so well. You have a beautiful family! Those kids are adorable! They need their awesome auntie!

sorensenpower said...

This is awesome! I'm glad SLC is treating you well. My dad always tries to tell me that we do things that we really don't.

Dad's sometimes lie.

And sometimes they don't.