Monday, February 13, 2012

Marriage for me

It might be legal for me to get married in Washington is a few short months. It might be legal for a lot of friends to get married, too.

It makes me excited to think that it might be legal. And it makes me a little sad because right now it isn't- and it seems like it should be a human right for anyone to get married if they are in love and want to take that step.

It makes me excited because I have always wanted to get married. I haven’t wanted a domestic partnership or a civil union- I have wanted a marriage. When I was little, before I knew I was gay, I knew that I wanted to be like my parents and other couples who were around me. Or- at least I wanted the option to be like them.

Gay rights is the biggest civil rights issue in my lifetime. And I’m sensitive to it because it (obviously) affects me (almost) daily. Today I was asked how gay women have sex in a mocking, joking way. Completely inappropriate. Yesterday I was asked if I wished I was a boy since I like girls. I turn on the news and see people with signs saying God hates gays. I used to be nervous to hold Becka’s hand- especially when we went to Utah because people would stare. Now Im used to it- or maybe I just don’t care. Some of my gay friends have lost jobs and others have lost their families. I’ve lost friends. And one of the hardest parts of coming to terms with my sexuality was the fact that I couldn't get married- but that is about to change in the state where I live!

I just wonder- I really sincerely wonder- if I get married how will it affect anyone rather than me and my family? The marriage of my loved ones hasn’t changed my life at all- well- perhaps they made me a happier because I see my loved ones happier.

I know there are a lot of taboo feelings regarding gay marriage. Listen to this. It's amazing.

Hopefully someday some of you will be at my wedding to celebrate the marriage to my person! WOOHOO Washington!