Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just a few thoughts...

There are certain times when I am overcome with feelings of thankfulness... Right now is one of those times. There isn't a particular reason for it. I am just thankful.
This morning I was chatting with a few coworkers about past experiences we have had that have opened our eyes to the most beautiful things in this life . Things that can't be learned in a classroom. Things that can't be learned unless you step outside of yourself and all of your normalities. We chatted about some of the things that are hardest for me to talk about only because coming up with words to describe certain feelings and experiences is nearly impossible.

Life is beautiful to me. People are the most beautiful of all-or can be...and should be. I am completely captivated by other cultures. I adore life when it is lived simply. I find pleasure in simple things and simple people.

Hmm. Perhaps this is getting a little too personal and/or deep. Ha. I don't know. It's hard to describe feelings about certain things-so I will stop.

Perhaps a few pictures can help illustrate some of my feelings...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This is the crazy Nelson bunch

I am a little surprised that I haven't introduced my family on my little blog yet. Hey everyone, this is my family. The entire Nelson clan (minus little Addi Belle).

I am feeling real, real thankful for my family today. I had a little meeting earlier and spent most of my time talking about my family and things that I have learned from them. Basically I have worlds best family.

This particular picture was taken almost 2 years ago this very day. We had it taken right before Nils went on his mission and now he'll be home before we know it. I can hardly wait til we are all back together again.

I would like everyone to meet...uh....wait....I haven't named her yet. I think I might need a little more quality time with it.
Anyway, this this is my motorcycle. I picked it up yesterday and have been perma happy since. Perhaps you aren't thrilled that I have one. But for the sake of my happiness and excitement, just pretend to like it...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Yesterday I discovered worlds BEST drug. I bought a motorcycle and have been perma happy since. I have been surprised though about how people have super duper strong opinions when it comes to motorcycles. Either they LOVE them or HATE them.

Perhaps I need to first explain my deep obsession for the them. I have wanted a motorcycle since before I could drive. It seems I wanted one more than I wanted a car. The first time I mentioned it to my parents was when I was in high school and I remember vividly my mom freaking out. NO WAY! I convinced them to let me get a scooter and I've had a scooter since.
I went to visit my parents a few weekends ago and my mom and I started talking about gas prices and how mega expensive it is for me to drive to Salt Lake from Logan. My mom mentioned how she wants to get a motorcycle. I was THRILLED! I asked if I could get one and she complied.

Wait a second. I just went on a tangent. I am supposed to be explaining WHY I love motorcycles. I guess riding them is the closest thing to flying. They make me feel free. Silly? Maybe. But I get real giddy when I'm on one. Now I own one. I'm sure my page will be flooded with pictures in the next week. I'd put a few up now but I don't get to pick it up until Monday.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Riding my Bike

I have had all kinds of people ask about my bike picture. I am here to clear up confusion.
There are things in this life that I find simple pleasure in. Riding my cruiser bicycle is one of them. That smile on my face is not forced or staged. That smile is the most real and sincere smile you've ever seen. I feel so happy when I ride my bike and ring its little bell.
There are a lot of things I find simple pleasures in. Yesterday I went to a park and road my long board and played with random kids. The day before that I went to the mountains just to lay on my back and watch the stars.
Most of my high school friends-actually most people I know who have blogs are married and the majority have kids. I was hesitant in creating a blog all about ME because most blogs I have encountered are about the adventures of these cute little families. This blog is about me-just me-and the things that I think about and make me happy. Riding my bike, as illustrated in my picture, makes me happy!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hmm. Blogging. It seems it is the oldest newest trend. I can't believe I haven't started doing it until today. Guess it's time I start acting my age and ditch myspace and join the blogging world.

I guess some people are interested in my life. I think more people will pretend to be interested though. I will make a commitment to make my life interesting and full of drama and funny stories just to keep people coming back. Can you imagine spending time learning how to blog, making your page all fancy and cute and then no one looking at it? Depressing.

Life? I have so many feelings about life. Right now life is wonderful-it usually is. I wake up most days excited to be alive and do what I do.

Umm, what else? I can't think of anything right now but since this was way more harmless than I anticipated, I will sign in again soon for another little session. :)

Until then, later skaters!