Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I used to say that I wanted to be a runner. Today I will say that I am a runner. I ran 3 miles today. I didn't run them fast and my form probably wasn't very good. But I ran. I am a runner. Maybe I will run 4 miles tomorrow.

I used to say I wanted to be happy. Today I will say that I am happy. Minute by minute I am choosing to be happy. Did you know you can be happy even when sad things happen?

I used to say that I wanted to be spontaneous and live a life of adventure. I jumped in the lake the other day just because. I was in my work clothes. It was fun. My life is an adventure. I like to play like a kid and do things even if they aren't practical.

I used to say I wanted to be healthier. I am healthy. I make good food chocies and sometimes have treats because I love treats and everyone should have a treat every now and again. And I work out. I was at the gym the other morning at 5:30.

I don't want to want. I rather do. It's more fun and rewarding.

Open heart

I crave writing. I think about it often. When I write I become centered. It helps me get to know myself- it reminds me what it important.

Change is coming. Change in the season. Change in my wardrobe. Change in my heart. Change in my life. I don't quite understand it and the change makes me really sad and mad and happy and excited. I would be specific but I don't want to make anything certain. Nothing is certain. And not enough time has passed.

Yesterday was Memorial Day. It is such a weird holiday. We are supposed to think about and honor people who have paid the ultimate price- which I totally and completely support. But what does that even mean? To me it seems the best way to honor anyone who has died, particularly at war, is to love life and freedom and people- to be loving and happy and accepting of differences. Wouldn't it be amazing to not have to have a Memorial Day? To live in a world where people were so excited about life and where differences caused people to learn instead of hate- a world where war no longer existed. It's a good thought. But then I turn on the TV and read the newspaper and I'm reminded of how then world is. I remember how humans are. People hurt the people who are closest to them. Their spouses and kids and themselves. And then I was reminded that I said hurtful things to the person closest to me a few days ago. I felt threatened and maybe a little bit scared and didn't have an open heart. An open heart. I have so many thoughts about open hearts. I want an open heart. Always. Even when it's broken.

Friday, May 25, 2012


There are a lot of opinions about President Obama but I am thankful for his stance on this particular issue!