Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day and Nils!

Perhaps this is a little out of order but better late, and a little out of order, then never.

To explain a little about my family I would like to refer you to my sisters blog I feel I have worlds funnest and perhaps funniest family!

My dad is a great dad! So glad he's my dad. He has been such a big support and perhaps my biggest fan my entire life. I love you dad!

Now to Nils. I am so happy he's home. Can't believe it had been 2 years since I saw him. His homecoming was fabulous and it was so fun to hear some of his experiences AND see so many people.

I have always adored my little brother. I am so glad he is home.

One of the people I got to see was my best buddy Danny. Haven't seen his since he got married and he and Emi came to visit. Love you guys!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today is a special day for me for so many reasons. Reasons that I can't really explain. I won't try and explain them. I don't know the words to being explaining.

Sometimes people come into my life-even if its just for a few moments-and change the way view something-or perhaps give me a deeper (or newly formed) appreciation for something. For example, the other day I was walking into a gas station. There was an older woman who was walking near me. I was kind of in a hurry and was on my cell phone and walked into the store without keeping the door held open for her. It wasn't until a young child-couldn't have been above the age of 8 ran from where his parents car was parked to the door to open it! The older woman was in tears from the kindness of this young child. He reminded me that small things do matter...

Anyway, today is significant. Today is the anniversary of the death of my best friend Ashley Richardson. She died 8 years ago. Eight years is a long time but I still think about her most every day.

She was the prime example that small things matter. I could write novels about the small things she did that made a difference in my life; not to mention the lives of other friends, family and strangers. Her smile was contagious and her love and kindness didn't have boundries. Ashley certainly was, and still is, my hero!

I still talk about Ash on almost a daily basis. I use some of her stories at work. I have tried to treat people the way she encouraged me to everyday. She loved people. She loved life.

Sometimes I still dream about Ashley. Those are the hardest dreams to wake up from. I don't know if I've ever known anyone that has understood me more than her. I don't know if there has ever been anyone who has seen as much goodness in me than her. She reminds me in those dreams.

Eight years ago could easily be one of the hardest days in my life thus far. But it was also a beginning. Perhaps that sounds morbid and weird but there is no other way to say it.

Here's to all the pizza and ice cream! And to the picnic in the middle of the lunch room! And of course the Fat Camp on the way to St. George!! I love you Ash!
Love, Chelsea Marie! :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Family is together!

What a day!

Today Nils returned from his LDS mission. He has been gone for two years. My family woke up early (some of us didn't sleep) and went to the airport around 10:30am. We went to the place we last saw him.

When we got inside of the airport I went and stood by my dad. My dad looked contemplative so I asked him what kinds of thoughts he was having. He looked at the escalator and said, "the last time I saw Nilso was on that escalator. I can't believe that was two years ago."

Since then I have been in and out of thoughts about time and how quickly it passes. Two years ago my family was saying goodbye to my brother thinking it would be forever until we saw him again. That day is already here. That day is almost gone. Crazy. Time goes so quickly.

I have always thought that the most precious thing in my life was my family. Of course they are toward the top of the list but the most precious thing is time.

My brother came home a different person. In the last two years he has changed parts of his life and has a more firm dedication to doing good. I can see it. I can feel it. I am trying to think back to when he left. I wonder what kinds of changes have occured within me. I wonder if he can see it. We have had the same amount of time since we last saw each just makes me wonder...

Time. It is a crazy thing to think about. I will use my time to do good things.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I got tagged...

I got tagged. I don't really know what it means but my sister insists that I play it goes.
ABC's "getting to know you" TAG. Complete the ABC's of you. Then, each player tags 3 people and posts their names, goes to their blogs and leaves a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.Thanks Monica, here we go:

A- Attached or single: I am attached. Attached to family and friends and my arms and legs are attached-but not attached to a boy-except for my dad, brothers and nephew
B- Best Friend: Curtis is in the room right now and is telling me that we are best friends
C-Cake or Pie: Pie. Apple pie
D-Day: Don't have a favorite-like all my days when fun things are planned!
E- Essential Item: Lotion
F- Favorite Color: Anything BRIGHT
G-Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears
H-Home town: The one and only WJ baby!!
I- Indulgences: I have a slight obsession with hair removal
J- January or July?: Umm. I like both. I am boring.
K-Kids: Can't wait to have them
L-Life is incomplete without: My family!
M- Marriage Date: Not married
N- Number of Siblings: 2 sis' & 2 bros
O- Oranges or Apples: Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears: Not following my dreams...
Q- Quote: If you don't like it, change it. If you can't change it change the way you feel about it.
R- Reason To Smile: I have a beautiful life
S- Season: Fall.
T- Tag Three: Umm... Angie, Ariel and Annie
U- Unknown fact about me: II got stabbed by a deer horn once
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: Huh?
W- Worst Habit: Driving without a seat belt
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Neither
Y-Your favorite food: There isn't anything like a good peach
Z- Zodiac Sign: This may surprise you but I don't know. My birthday is March 14th.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I forgot to put these videos on the page. They were taken when Curtis was visiting... ENJOY!

The first two are of me and Curtis on the Zipline!

This is Curtis riding the cycle! Good job Curt!!

New Things

Yesterday was fantasitc! It was the first day in Logan that actually felt like summer. I love the summer time in Logan. People are out and about and it seems there are always something to do. Logan Canyon is 5 minutes away from my house and there are loads of other canyons a short car ride away. There is simply no place like Logan.

To celebrate the frst day of summer Jamie and I put on the swim suits and hit up First Dam to catch some rays. Luckily for us we met Bill and John who let us join in their adventure of slack lining from bridge to bridge. It was quite the challenge-having to walk from bridge to bridge withouth falling in the water-which made me stop breathing for a few seconds because of the tempature of the water (another example of why life is NOT about the things that take your breath away...). Slack lining takes a ton of concentration, core muscles and balance. I didn't have what it took yesterday and hit the water. Maybe next time.

After our slack lining experience, the four of us played frisbee. Actually, there was an addition to our frisbee crew. Cheyanne (?), a little girl who couldn't have been above the age of 7, played too. I love kids!

As I was participating in the activies I couldn't help but notice the people around me. There were family reunions at the park, people who seemed to be out on dates, kayakers in the water, loads of fishers and cute little old people sitting on their chairs in the shade. Everyone seemed to want to enjoy the sunshine.

The thing that caught the attention of most of my thoughts was a woman who didn't look older than 30 who was walking with 2 canes, had an oxygen tank hung over one of her arms, and who was quite a bit overweight.

I found myself feeling sad for her. With every step I saw her take it seemed she was in pain. I wondered if she was in an accident or something-or if she had an illness-or if she just didn't take time to take care of herself. All three, in my opinion, are equally as sad.

I made (perhaps for the one millionth time) a silent commitment to take care of the body and mind I have. I am so glad that I was born with a capable mind and body. So, here is my challenge to myself and anyone else who chooses to except: take time to improve mind and body every day.

Perhaps the best part of my day...finding a lizard (on his owners shoulder) and got to hold him. Crazy!