Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Laughter is the best medicine. It is the best everything- the best activity, the best past-time, the best pick-me-up- the best date, the best everything! And I have to admit, I laughed harder than I can remember last week. I was with my family in Moab- and felt like a giddy little kid again. It had been years since my family had been on a family vacation- and it was concluded that we have to do it way more often- because we become closer (which is hard to imagine), and have soo much fun!
We spent our time hiking, exploring, talking, laughing, swimming, and wishing that our time there wouldn't run out. Being there with Tolman and Addison was a real treat- watching them hike around and become excited about the littlest things was a reminder that we should all strive to be like children. Curtis and I hiked around all the big rocks, and went cliff jumping, and we talked. Curtis and I always have good talks. Nils was the work horse. He carried everyones gear- including the kids and I always become captivated by his wisdom and dedication to goodness. Jess cheered everyone up and kept our spirits up. She is quirky and funny and she doesn't get scared-even when she jumps off high cliffs. I cherish every conversation I have with Jami. She is my sound and solid voice. And she was such a trooper! She had a little precedure a few days before Moab, and she still did it all! And my parents are hilarious and truly inspiring! My mom lugged around her oxygen tank to every place we went. And my dad was at her side helping her. They laughed together and sang songs together and continued their example of love. I caught myself smiling just looking at my parents. They make me happy. The best kind of happy.
On the last day of our time in Moab, Becka and I decided to rent a jeep and explore areas in Moab. We took the top off and cruised on top of cliffs, in little streams, and up steep hills. It was insane and amazingly cool! Our first stop was Gemini Bridges and the second was Onion Creek Canyon. Let me just say that during our second stop, Onion Creek Canyon, we all laughed harder than we could remember. My mom was pounding the dash board and stomping her feet because she was laughing so hard. She couldn't breathe. It was sooo good for the soul to laugh that hard while being in 0ne of the most beautiful of all creations. It was the kind of laughter that came from the heart. True happiness. Perfection. The best kind of laughter. I was in heaven.

I was more than delighted that Becka was able to be there! She is part of the family and adds so much happiness to my life. She is an amazing person! Everything is better when she is around. I love you, Becka!

Thanks to the Richardson family for this amazing trip!