Friday, June 25, 2010


Taking a little break from the health kick- and writing about Pride.

This weekend is PRIDE weekend in Seattle. And I must say, I haven't looked forward to a weekend as much as I am looking forward to this weekend in a long time.

I am happy to me. I like me. If I weren't me, I would want to be my friend. I have pride in who I am. And this weekend I am going to celebrate!

I have spent some time learning about the history of Pride weekends- when and why they started. Pride started in New York City in 1969 when a group of gay people fought back againt government groups that persecuted sexual minorities. This particular event is referred to as the Stonewall Riots. It certainly is an interesting thing to be studied. But it makes me wonder- Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and people like them are heroes for fighting for equal rights- but the individuals who fought and continue to fight for a different kind of equal rights remain nameless.

I went to Pride last year- but I didn't feel pride. I looked around and wondered if anyone was looking or judging and I felt bad. I felt bad to be me.

So what has changed in one year?

I have had so many silent conversations with myself, and with God. See, the thing is, I didn't want to be gay. There was a time I rather die than be gay. And unfortunatly, parts of me did die because of the self hatred. But then it hit me, I must be okay- because God made me. And that confidence has grown and grown- and I know that I am okay. And I am thankful that God loves me.

Today I am the best version of myself simply because I love freely and fully and without fear.

Everyone should celebrate Pride weekend. Everyone should have Pride in themselves and who they are.

Thought I would share some pictures of the best things and people in my life!