Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The girl in the mirror

This morning as I was brushing my teeth for the second time (first is right when I got up, second is before I got in the shower) I was looking in the mirror and the strangest thing happened. I started talking to the person I saw. I talked to her. Cried to her. Laughed to her. I had a full on conversation that lasted nearly 25 minutes with the person in the mirror.

It was kind of fun talking to the girl in the mirror. She is kinda funny and kinda strange. She likes to make faces and do weird things with her mouth.

The girl I saw reminded me of a few things. She reminded me that I am special and loved. She reminded me that the most important thing I can do is be my own best friend. She comforted me and told me I am wonderful!

Thanks girl in the mirror! I was feeling low. You helped me feel better.


Jesse said...

Chel, I hope you surround yourself with people who make you feel special and loved, because you are! Josh and I still need to take a trip to Seattle. I LOVE Seattle!

Erica said...

Chel, I was okay with you being gay, but I don't know about this. A mirror? I'm getting seriously creeped out ;)

Cary said...

It's been a long while since I have checked blogs so I just recently checked yours........ just want to tell you that I love you. I have always found you to have such a tender, caring heart - a quality I love and admire - and that has not changed. I am also so sorry for the burden you have been carrying for so long as it truly hurts my heart for you. Take care of yourself and know I love ya.

Anne said...

I really love your blog, Chelsea.