Monday, February 21, 2011

back to the roots

I get mad when bad/hard things happen. I get mad and sad and sometimes feel bad for myself- but after the bad/hard thing happens, I usually feel thankful. I feel thankful now.

It is a blessing when I am taken back to my roots- when I remember what I have always known. This time, when this particular hard thing happened, I remembered that love and service is always the best answer- to everything- no matter what.

When this particular hard thing happened I remembered that I can't control ANYTHING except me and how I act and react. I can't control work, or the weather, or the moods or feelings of anyone else. I can control how I decide to be when things at work don't go smoothly, or when the sky is gray and when the people around me aren't the way I want them to be- and I have made a real effort to act with love and service.

Thank you, hard time, for reminding me what I have always known. My heart feels happy.