Saturday, October 11, 2008

Coming Out

This entry might come to a surprise to some and no surprise to others. I feel nervous sitting here at my computer but am excited to finally get this out.

I am a lesbian. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am an aunt. I am so many different things-including a lesbian.

National Coming Out Day was a few days ago. I know a few people that came out on that day. Coming out is scary but it also gives freedom! Refering to a few posts ago, this is my truth that my aunt was referring to and accepting it is setting me free!

I currently live in Washington and everyone I have met there knows that I am a lesbian. I used to live in Logan, UT. I never came out in Logan…I was too scared. People speculated and I usually denied it. When I lived in Logan I went back and forth (back and forth with my sexual orientation to the LDS church) not knowing what I should do. I didn’t feel peace. To say the least, I had a lot of self hatred. I contemplated ending my life on several occasions. I tried my hardest to stay busy so I couldn’t/wouldn't wallow in my sadness and confusion.

Well, that has ended. I have accepted it and I am learning to love it-or, in other words, to love me.

I have told a few people of my decision to accept who I am and there are so many questions that have been asked. I will try and address some of those now…

How long have I known? My entire life. Ever since I was a little girl I’ve known. I didn’t recognize it for what it was until after I graduated high school. Or maybe I just didn’t want to recognize it until then but I’ve always felt different.

When I went to college I was committed to be a strong member of the Church of Jesus Christ and for the most part, I was. I even had mission papers at one point. But during those experiences I wasn’t content. I was depressed. I still had moments where I thought death would be better than living. But I continued going to church, saying my prayers, preparing to go on a mission-I tried to do everything right but I didn’t feel right. I felt (by exact definition) crazy because even though I tried so hard, and maybe even appeared to be, the mormon poster child, I never felt the things that were promised in the scriptures. I never felt good. When I decided to go away from the church for moments at a time, I began to feel like a human. I didn’t feel so alienated. I began to feel peace. It all seemed backwards. It still seems backwards to me.

I still believe in the church-which confuses people more than anything else. I love the church! I have a testimony in Jesus Christ! I know God lives and I know He loves me. That knowledge made it easier for me to come to my conclusion to accept myself and stop fighting. I know that He understands what I’ve had to go through more than I even understand. I am thankful that He is my judge. Knowing that makes me feel okay.

I don’t try and make excuses, like some people like to argue. I don’t try to justify my actions. I just say things the way I see them-the way I feel.

I want to get married and have kids! I love kids more than I love anything in the world and someday I want to have my own little ones! Most of my good friends have had babies the last couple years and I have spent hours curled up in my room sobbing because I wasn’t sure I’d have the same opportunity-because of my sexuality. Each time I heard of a friend who was expecting a baby I became so excited for them but self hatred surfaced. I wondered why I couldn't rid myself of my feelings so I could make my dream come true of having a family. Luckily, I have realized that my dream can come true. During the last year I have met people in same sex relationships who have kids! Someday that will be me! I will be a mom!

Having kids is the thing I look forward to more than anything else in my life. My greatest fear is not having those future kids loved and accepted by family and friends. I guess we’ll see what happens-it is at least a couple years down the road but when it comes, I hope that they are loved the same way they would be if I were in a heterosexual relationship!

If I had pages and pages to write on I still couldn’t explain the things I have had to go through throughout my life to come to the conclusion to come out and be proud that I am a lesbian. There is so much that goes in to it. I guess I should let my readers know that I am open to talk. If you have questions, let me know!

Moving on.

I have been in love before but never felt comfortable telling anyone. Instead of announcing to the world that I felt on top of the world because of this love, I hid it and told only myself and every now and again my journal. I was afraid to tell my journal a lot of times-wondering who would find it and read it. I have had heartbreak. Ending a relationship-not because the relationship wasn't good-but because confusion about the gospel and self identity. A beautiful, or a potential beautiful relationship ended-not because of a lack of love or because it was evil or anything like that. It ended because I and/or my girlfriend wasn't comfortable... and when it ended I was left heartbroken without having anyone to talk to. Dealing with all of that alone has been hell. I went to bishops and counselors but talked to people who didn’t know me. I was telling these life issues to strangers-oh, it was a lonely time! I wanted support! And when people who I thought were my friends, and who I thought would offer bits of understanding heard that I was living a lesbian lifestyle, starting sending emails and making phone calls to others mocking and ridiculing me. I was told that it would be better if I were to die than be gay. I was told I couldn't be in contact with certain people anymore...I lost a lot of friends.

I didn’t attend church for awhile after that and I stopped going because of the bitterness I had toward its members-the very people who said these awful things to me. Stupid, I know. I realize that the gospel is perfect-not the people. But that is what I needed to stop going.

Wow! I realize I could write novels about the church topic but I will stop. So much goes into it.

There is so much more about my story-just like anybodys story who is my age. My self discovery story began in elementry school but becoming fully comfortable with my self discovery story started a few months ago. All of the details are impossilbe to remember and a lot of them are too sad or too personal to share. This post is only a start but at least it is a start. A very very small start.

I will end by saying I am proud to be me! I like me! I believe in me. There are a lot of things I wish I could change about myself and the world that I live in-I live with little regret (I wish that I was free from all regret) but when I look in the mirror I like what I see. The regret that I have is not loving myself throughout my battle. I regret hurting the most important person in the world to me because I wasn't able to extend open arms to myself. That is all different-that has all changed. I will say it again and again. I like me. I believe in me and I am proud to be me!

To the readers of my blog-whether you are friends, family or strangers, open your hearts to things that are different. Don't agree if you can't agree but show love and compassion to things that are different!


Brittany said...

I guess I'm glad to be the first to comment. I am sad. Not because of your life decision because you didn't feel comfortable to tell your closest friends and when you did they were so horrible! I am so VERY glad you chose to stay here on earth because what a sad sad world it would be without Chelsea living in it:) You are an incredible person, and it is very disheartening to hear the struggles that you have lived with. You are very much the same Chelsea you have always been and I have always accepted and loved who you were and who you are!!!! And I pray that you will get the opportunity to be a mom one day- you definitly would make a wonderful one. All my love-Britt

Jamie Lynn said...

Dearest Chel,

I could not be more proud of you! I know that being in Washington has enabled you to live free of fear. I think it is liberating and exciting. I'm sad too sweetheart. I'm sad you couldn't feel that freedom here in Logan. I'm sad that it took 100's of miles for you to gain that freedom. I'm sad that your "friends" treated you so poorly in your greatest time of need. I'm sad I couldn't be your support. I tried. We both tried. I'm so PROUD and HAPPY that you can now be out! I love who you are and what you stand for. I love your dreams and hope you find happiness in everything you do. Dare you to be remarkable!

Heather said...

Hey!! It's Clover from camp. I just wanted to let you know how amazed I am by you! I have always looked up to you so much and your ability to live your life with such courage, adventure, and enthusiasm. I still feel exactly the same way and am even more amazed by your courage and willingness to stand up and be who you are! I would love to chat and catch up with you sometime, e-mail me if you can, My e-mail is

Lamb Fam said...

I don't know how I missed this post! I've seen all but this one til tonight. Anyway, I admire you for your courage and for standing up for YOU and what you are. You already know this, but I love and support you 100% and only want you to be happy. If this is what happiness is for you, then I accept it fully. Love you, sis!!

*Angie* said...

i like you for you, always have and always will. I'm with britt, it is sad to hear of some not so nice things being done to you. I only wish you the best for all of your new endeavors in Washington!

Erica said...

Holy Banana! That snuck up on me! I'm excited to watch you in life. You are going to thrive. Aren't you glad it's all over!

Scar Belly said...

I am Dan Sorensen's Bro in Law.

I have met you a time or two and I think you are a great person. Life is full of hard decisions and I have to commend you for your courage.

I hope you are able to fully reconcile your belief in the church with your personality trait that you have stopped repressing.

Life is too short to spend it in misery - I hope that you are truly happy!


Charles said...

Chel, I love you. If I were a woman I'd want to have your children...or you could have mine...or whatever. I just found out you were in town last week and we missed you. I'm totally bummed. Next time...

Brittany said...

This took a lot of courage Chelsea! I'm proud to know you even if it's just through Jess. I'm glad you're finding the happiness you deserve. - Brittany Coons

Meg said...


I think that you are an amazing person. I'm sure this has not been an easy road for you. I liked how you said that you feel peace knowing that Heavenly Father is your judge, and not the people on this earth. He knows your heart. I think that you will be an amazing mother someday!


Wade and Taryn said...

Chel, I have been away from the blogging world for awhile and you are amazing!! I have always looked up to you because you are one of the strongest people I know. I wish that you could have told me before so that you could have talked to me if you needed to. I am always here with a listening ear and support you know matter what!! You have always been one of my closest friends even though I am not very good at it, and would have been very very sad if you weren't here. If you need anything or to talk I am always here. Love ya Taryn

sorensenpower said...

Chel! I need to get my blog on more often! I just barely read this.

I just wanted to tell you I'm so proud and happy for you. While Salt Lake truly misses you, I hope washington treats you well and allows you to truly be happy.

Love you!

iMzOOL said...

chelsea. what is your phone number? I just read this post and went to call you and got some random woman. I want to talk to you! michelle

Tag said...

People like the one who commented and considers being gay "a personality trait" are the ones who make it so hard to be out be yourself. I can attest that being gay is not a choice. It's not a personality trait. It's not a dysfunction. If it was a choice, no one would choose it, because it's a very difficult life. But being true to one's self is the most important thing in this life. And a betrayal of yourself is what destroys your soul. I'm proud of you, Chelsea, for coming out and being true to yourself and who you are.

Entirely Eventful Day said...

I love you and your whole family! You are blessed to have those great people who truly love you. I feel so sorry that you have had to struggle so much. I hope you find peace. One of my best friends on earth is also gay and has similar struggles. I love love love her and if I could I would take her pain away. It makes me cry that amazing people have to hurt like this. I think you are a rad girl and I have nothing but love...
Aly Brooks

Sophia said...

I remember one time in middle school when I did or said something that made the whole wj middle group of friends mad and everyone was writing a mean note about me and someone was going to bring it to me. I remember you called me a talked me about it and heard my side of the story. I felt better after that.( even though I am sure I kissed someones boyfriend or something rude) You have always been a kind warm welcoming person and you are no different now. I hope you find all the happiness you are looking for. Can you send me your email I want to send you something.

Kelly A. said...

Chelsea~ I just want to say that this world most definitely wouldn't be complete without you!! I am so glad you are still here and I truly hope that you always have the happiness you deserve! I know you have brought much happiness into the lives of others simply by being you and giving people the opportunity to feel of your goodness!

Trace said...

It's been a while so I don't know if you remember me. It's Jami's pal Leesa. Anyway hooray for you. I am so proud of you for letting yourself feel the way it feels and not fearing what others are going to say or think about it. From what I know of you, you are an amazing person and I think that your strength will help you find the future you deserve-kids, bikes and all. Be happy! Luv ya!

Unknown said...

I don't know if you remember me, but this is Selkie from Brighton '02. I happened to stumble upon your blog at work tonight and got reading back through your posts until I came to this one.
A few thoughts from a stranger: I admire your strength. I have several friends in your same situation and it's so awesome to see you so grounded in who you are as a person. It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, black, white, alien, human, whatever, you are exactly right: you are a person. Don't ever forget that.

Ward Family said...

Chelsea, this is so touching! You are who you are and it must feel so good to just be yourself. Everything will work out in the end! Heavenly Father understands you better than anyone else. Stay strong and continue making good choices!


Anonymous said...

I am really really proud of you. Coming out is terrifying- especially in a public setting like this. I always looked up to you when we were younger and now I have even more reason to admire you.

- Stacy Davis

Tiff Keetch said...

I found your blog while hopping through others' blogs.. and I couldn't stop reading yours. This post really touched me. I'm still teary eyed!

I just wanted to say I've always admired you. You were always kind, always generous, always spiritual, always thoughtful, always happy and always accepting of others. Thanks for being YOU, and please don't stop!

-Tiff (Yanda) Keetch from WJ High