Thursday, January 8, 2009

Singing Songs

I'm in bed. I hear Paul singing songs downstairs and it's 1:30 in the morning. He is singing songs about Jesus.

Paul is the guy who lives in the basement apartment in the house I live in-he lives right below me. I hear him sometimes but tonight I hear him really well because he gets so excited when he sings about Jesus...and since it's 1:30am there aren't other noises muffling his mad musical skills. Paul is the guy who lost his wife to cancer a few weeks ago. He is also one of the best most optimistic people I have ever met. I feel like goodness radiates from him.

I went to dinner with Leah and Miska tonight. They are friends that I met nearly a year ago but I have only seen them a few times. It was kinda random how we met-and really random that we have stayed in touch but I am so glad that we have because goodness radiates from them too.

(I have learned that a lot of the things I write about in my blog are really the same kind of thoughts-just dragged out using different stories...)

I am in bed glad that there are good people everywhere. There is a good guy who lives in my basement. There are two good girls who live a little South of the airport. There are good people who live on Bluerise Ave (maybe the best people live there...that is where my parentals live). There are good people who live in Logan, UT. Come to think about it, there is a good person sitting on my bed right now.

Too much focus on bad. Let good take over! There is goodness all around.

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