Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Today is a special day for me for so many reasons. Reasons that I can't really explain. I won't try and explain them. I don't know the words to being explaining.

Sometimes people come into my life-even if its just for a few moments-and change the way view something-or perhaps give me a deeper (or newly formed) appreciation for something. For example, the other day I was walking into a gas station. There was an older woman who was walking near me. I was kind of in a hurry and was on my cell phone and walked into the store without keeping the door held open for her. It wasn't until a young child-couldn't have been above the age of 8 ran from where his parents car was parked to the door to open it! The older woman was in tears from the kindness of this young child. He reminded me that small things do matter...

Anyway, today is significant. Today is the anniversary of the death of my best friend Ashley Richardson. She died 8 years ago. Eight years is a long time but I still think about her most every day.

She was the prime example that small things matter. I could write novels about the small things she did that made a difference in my life; not to mention the lives of other friends, family and strangers. Her smile was contagious and her love and kindness didn't have boundries. Ashley certainly was, and still is, my hero!

I still talk about Ash on almost a daily basis. I use some of her stories at work. I have tried to treat people the way she encouraged me to everyday. She loved people. She loved life.

Sometimes I still dream about Ashley. Those are the hardest dreams to wake up from. I don't know if I've ever known anyone that has understood me more than her. I don't know if there has ever been anyone who has seen as much goodness in me than her. She reminds me in those dreams.

Eight years ago could easily be one of the hardest days in my life thus far. But it was also a beginning. Perhaps that sounds morbid and weird but there is no other way to say it.

Here's to all the pizza and ice cream! And to the picnic in the middle of the lunch room! And of course the Fat Camp on the way to St. George!! I love you Ash!
Love, Chelsea Marie! :)


Brittany said...

What a hard day. So sorry for your loss. How lucky we are to know that one day you will see Ashley again. And how amazing she was to have you as a friend.

Unknown said...

It was really hard losing Ashley. I loved her more than anyone ever knew. She was the closest friend I ever had and not a day goes by that I don't think about her. I know with how wonderful of a person she was that she is with God now, and that she watches over all of her friends every day, waiting until she can be with them again. And I really hope one day that I will be blessed enough to see her again.