Monday, May 11, 2009

What a week!

I haven't visited my blog in awhile and have felt the urge...

First off, Happy Mother's Day to my mom!! I love you, mom! And Happy Mother's Day to my sister Jami and Grandma Carol-and all the other mothers out there-but particularly to those 3.

This morning I woke up and got lost in my thoughts about my body and how it works and operates. It was driving me crazy. Questions like, how is it that humans last longer than most modern machines (like cars...they are ancient when they are 20 years old) without a battery and/or fuel. Hello! Doesn't make any sense. We can move and think and feel and taste and geee...all kinds of things....and I am not plugged to the wall and I don't have an on and off switch. Sure, I have to sleep for a few hours a day to re-energize myself but the concept of sleep as a recharger is another thing that just makes my head spin. And then to think that I, Chelsea Nelson, was created inside another human. Weird. Humans are amazing.

I haven't introduced Adriane Ferguson to my my blog yet.... Drum Roll Please!!!
Everyone! This is Fergie Ferg Ferg...perhaps the best friend I have had in my entire existence. We met months ago and connected almost immediately. She is a rock-my rock and I am sometimes amazed how she understands me. She has a deep relationship with God and that radiates by the way she lives her life. I could write and write and write in detail about the things Ferg has brought to my life. I won't. I will just post an occasional picture

The Seattle weather is wearing on me more now than it has since I've been here. I talked to Nils yesterday and he told me it is about 100 degrees everyday where he is. That sounds a little too hot but I sure wouldn't mind seeing the sun everyday. This was a few days ago at a Mariners baseball game and it was FREEZING! I'm normally pretty tough about cold weather-but I was so annoyed that it was that cold.
So, I have written briefly about a crush. Yes, yes, Chelsea has started to date someone. Becka is her name and she is fabulous! Yesterday we spent the evening finger painting.Becka riding the cruiser-I was on the longboard! :)
This is me and Becka at din din with Mel and Pam

Sometimes in my life I don't really think about why I feel certain things. I just feel without needing any kind of reason BUT I have been more aware of WHY certain feelings have surfaced. One of the most overwhelming feelings I have had the past month or so is gratefulness. And the reason?! I have phenomenal people around me-particularly my family. I was talking to my mom a few weeks ago and I asked if she was comfortable hearing about Becka...her response was, "Of course!" and then explained that she just wants me to be happy. I am so thankful that I finally feel comfortable with myself!!

I still own my home in Utah. This week I learned that my main waterline broke. Major bummer. My grandma got diagnosed with cancer this week-but is having an operation on Wednesday and they are feeling confident that the cancer hasn't spread-so hopefully everything will be fine after the operation. I tore the bumper off my car-not this last week-the week before-but still. I had a lifetime friend decide we couldn't be friends anymore. That was a bummer. My tenant who lived in the basement of my house moved out without giving me any notice this last week. And my house is dirty. I did something weird to my hip. It hurts...and sometimes I'm forced to limp. I felt homesick on Sunday. I just wanted to give my mom a hug and remind her that she is my hero. I wanted to watch Curtis play basketball too. I learned that Jamie changed her phone number. I felt really lazy-for like the last MONTH-and on Wednesday had a literal wake up call which forced me to snap out of it. What else, what else?? A lot, probably.

Despite that list, I feel calm and happy. Which proves that liking yourself and feeling confident in who you are is the most important of all things!


Ryan & Misty said...

So...I stumbled across your blog a few months ago when I was trying to figure out what a "blog" even is...and I admit that I have found myself anxiously awaiting your posts. (I aplologize for blog stalking) You are an amazingly exceptional person! I guess I shouldn't be surprised...I always knew that Chelsea Nelson was going to go places...I just never imagined that I would be able to enjoy your life! (even if it is a virtual relationship)

ariannet said...

Wow, sounds like you have a lot going on. I'm sorry to hear about your sweet grandma. I hope she is going to be okay.