Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I haven't been on this thing for awhile. I've missed it. For some reason I feel better when I write.
A lot has happened the last little while. Some good. Some bad. But overall I feel like my life is getting better and better. I am finding more clarity and satisfaction. Further, the weather has been absolutely beautiful which has forced me to have all kinds of adventures outside...which makes me smile-on the inside and out.

So, something I have been thinking about lately...

I am wondering why people are mean on purpose. I have been in a few situations in the last while where I have witnessed people being mean ON PURPOSE. Further, (and I hang my head when I say this) I have been mean to people ON PURPOSE. Chelsea, what's wrong with you?! Sarcastic jokes, lack of sensitivity, or simply not caring and being mean on purpose. Perhaps reacting to someone elses meanness. Whatever the reason, I am ashamed. Not only in myself-but in people-in my fellow human beings.

I was driving today and watched a girl-probably in her mid 20's yell at an elderly woman who has driving too slow. I listened to a conversation that was about how this person I know did this, that and whatever... and I participated in a conversation like that too the day before. I watch the news most mornings as I get ready for work and I get sad when I hear the bad things that people do to other people. I wonder why.

If we all realized that every person we meet, every person we come across, is someone elses loved one, best friend, son, daughter...you get the point- perhaps we would treat people a little better. There has to be something. I don't like meanness.

Life is too short and sometimes too hard to be mean or to have meanness given to you. I'll do my part to eliminate it...
And I'll end with a silly picture of my on the my boat in the backyard. I love, love, love where I live. Being here makes me know God lives and loves me.

1 comment:

sorensenpower said...

It's funny because one of the only times I have this same thought is when I am driving and I see someone react the same way that girl reacted. I always think, "chill out and calm down."

This thought is very hypocritical of me because I get really frustrated when I'm in the same position. I think we all have our moments of meanness, but some more than others.

I don't think this makes us bad humans, it just shows that we are human. However, we should always try to be better/nicer.