Tuesday, September 9, 2008

set free

This last weekend I got to go to San Fran to attend my cousin (actaully my dads cousin) Brooke's wedding. It was the most beautiful wedding and so much fun to be able to go and see my family (since I've been in Seattle for the last...hmm...almost two months ago).
The wedding itself was comparable to a magical fairytale. It was locnear Half Moon Bay on a vineyard overlooking the ocean. The scenery was spectactular and the weather was perfect. Apparnetly the weather in that area is generally cloudy and windy-but it was perfect for the wedding!

The dinner and reception was a blast! Amazing food, phenomial band, great dancing-just a real fun night!

BUT perhaps the highlight of the trip was a comment that was made to me by my aunt Pam. The morning I was headed back to Washington (I had to leave before everyone else...had to catch an earlier flight) she came and gave me a hug and said, "Find your truth then live your truth. When you do it will set you free!"

That phrase hasn't left me since she said it. It holds so much power and screams clarity to me.

I believe every person has a diferent kind of truth. We have things that we believe, that we want to become, that we KNOW we can become, but because of the things life does, we don't-or possibly we can't. We get lost in the middle not really knowing what to do or how to do it. We simply go from day to day doing what we've always done-perhaps not realizeing that we place limits on ourselves. (I realize that I talk only from my own experience but use words like 'we' and 'us' hoping I'm not alone.) We do what we see other people doing-maybe we do what our parents did which is certainly fine and works well-but it just isn't my truth and isn't my dream.

I have always been a real idealistic person. I live in the clouds. To some my reality is a little far fectched but it is my reality nonetheless. I love it. I love shooting for the stars even if I miss a bit-even if I miss a lot actaully. I love trying new things and pushing my own limits. I actually don't feel like I have limits-just things I haven't tried yet.

Wow. My mind is going crazy now. I could go off on all kinds of tagents. I won't. I will stick to one thing: Find your truth then live it and it will set you free.


Lamb Fam said...


sorensenpower said...

I like your aunt!

Anonymous said...

As always Chel, your mind is enticing and inspiring. I love to hear, or read in this case, the thoughts of your heart.

A dreamer you are...It's beautiful!

Caitlin said...

hey hey!!! It's been too long! I'm glad I found you and your thoughts on this blog. I can't wait to hear more updates. Your life is always an adventure and I feel like I am living that adventure vicariously through this blog. I hope you are doing great!


Sara said...

Chels! hey. i think ive really come to that understanding this year, that everyones truth is different, and it isn't right or wrong universally, but just individually. I think its hard to step away from the things we learned as youth: that everything is black and white, right or wrong, true or false. I don't think there can be one truth. there are too many people with too many paths. I think one truth that is universal is love. I think your aunt is right. I also wanted to coment on your post the other day that said something about people being content and not really seeking more out of life. I also have a really hard time understanding this in people, and have just recently figured out that it isn't wrong for them to be content. its honestly more of a personality trait than a character flaw. But it makes me realize that i need people in my life who will be constantly seeking new understanding and new truth. any way, im happy to see you dared to move. im trying to do the same right now. it intimidates me so much. Hope you are doing well! love you!
