Saturday, May 24, 2008


Reality is weird. It isn't definable.

Reality is different for every person. Sometimes I get to jump into the reality of other people but just for moments at a time. For me it is an experience. For them it is reality.

Like the other day I got to help at a women's shelter. I was visiting with women and children who come from abusive homes. Luckily for me it lasted just a few hours...actually, it didn't really last at all. I HEARD about experiences they went through and kinda internalized them but that is as close to an abusive type relationship I will ever get. I am so glad that isn't part of what is real in my life.

Today I went to a Mountain Man extravaganza. It was the same kind of experience-only not so emotional. It was humorous and I have been thinking about it since; about how soo many things make up our reality. Today I was imagining what it would have been like to live in the days of the Pony Express (I was serenaded about the Pony Express today! haha!) rather than email/blogging. ha! Or perhaps what it would have been like to be born in other country or even a different family. Our reality is based on soo many things and I am thankful for the things that have created mine.

Living in a time with so many modern conveniences (like blogging) is a blessing beyond measure. Then being born in my family-geez! How lucky for me! I have been able to visit different places in the world and have seen the poorest of poor people. I have met families who have to take turns eating. One day the kids get to eat and the next the parents get to eat-or something like that. I have met people who have never left their tiny villages-even if the next village is just a few miles away-perhaps they want to keep their world as small as possible. Perhaps they aren't even aware that life exists outside of their village. Perhaps they are afraid of the world being too big and perhaps that fear is the same fear I have about the world being too small.

My reality is beautiful.


sorensenpower said...

I like this post. Reality really is a very interesting. Thanks for making the world a better place to be

Lamb Fam said...

My words will never do justice next to yours. WOW...