Monday, April 1, 2013


Yesterday was Easter. I love Easter! It reminds me of my Nelson grandparents and the family parties we used to have. More than that, it gives me good reason to reflect on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

I went to church in the morning. I go to an awesome church with awesome music and every time I go I leave feeling motivated to be my best self and treat myself and others with love. 

After church I went and toured my city (it is still weird to call Seattle my city).

Then I went to Bainbridge Island on the ferry and explored the cute little island. I love Bainbridge. Mel, my cousin, introduced Bainbridge to me. I think of her every time I go.

When it was time to walk back to the ferry there were 4 people ahead walking on the street. They were laughing and skipping and having so much fun. So I went and introduced myself. We sat next to each other on the ferry on the way back to Seattle.

We laughed and talked and got to know each other. Among other things, I ended up sharing that I was from Salt Lake City. The first question that was asked after I said that was, 'are you Mormon!?' 'Yes, I am.' 'Does your family hate you?!' I became awkwardly silent and the people around me laughed at the awkwardness/forcefulness of the question. 'Of course not. My family loves me.' 'But you're gay.' 'And??'

And then the conversation moved on. Someone (thankfully) changed the subject.

But I kept thinking about the question. And the reason for the question. Sadly, I have lost count of the number times that question has been asked.

Love is love is love. And although my family and I disagree on things, just as all families do, they love me. They welcome me in their home. More importantly, they welcome me into their hearts. They care for me and want me to be happy. Their religious beliefs don't complicate their feelings for me. And Im not only speaking about my family - a lot of friends feel the same way.

I feel sad when people ask if my family still loves me because of my sexuality and I feel sad because I know where the question comes from.  It comes from reality. Reality is there are a lot of gay people who have lost relationships with their family because of sexuality. Not just Mormons. But Mormons get a bad rap.

I am thankful for my family for loving me. And for a lot of other reasons, too.

But of course they love me. They are my family.

1 comment:

John said...

Great blogging over family friends and stranger ..

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