Sunday, April 17, 2011

how is your family?

I had a fun day yesterday. But then, out of nowhere I got really sad.

Becka and I did something kinda different yesterday with people we normally don't hang out with. But I think we will start hanging out with these people more. So, to make the story short, we basically went to an event with some friends who introduced us to people we didn't know- their friends and coworkers (some gay, some not).

After the event we went to grab some food and chit chat. I made my rounds- chatting with everyone and I really enjoyed the conversations. I love meeting new people. But then I got sad. I started chatting with 3 gay women who were super nice and great. We talked about where we're from, what brought us to Seattle, how we like Seattle etc... But then, the question that seems to always come up among the gays. "How is your family with it?" In other words, ' does your family still love you because you're gay?' 'do you talk to your family now that they know you're gay?' 'do you have to lie to your family because you are gay?' I beam when people ask me how my family is with my lifestyle- I tell them that my parents should teach a class on how to be awesome! But it makes me sad that the family question even comes up. Im sad that one of the things I have in common with every other gay person is the possibility that our family relationships have been altered significantly because we choose to be honest with ourselves, our families, and sometimes the world about who we are. I started imaging my siblings and straight friends having the same conversation that I have. "how did your parents react when you told them that you found the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with?" "they told that this is a phase and that I'm not welcome in their home until the phase is over." Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Too bad that is many peoples reality.

So, once again, my family is the bomb! I am me. I was born being me. And they love me and because of their love I have learned to love me, too.


Jesse said...

I had a dream about you the other night, and I woke up aching for a Chelsea hug! I miss our fun days together. Hope you are well!

Angie said...

agreed. Your family is awesome and I'm glad you are someone that never takes that for granted. They are just as lucky to have you as you are to have them.

Meg said...

I'm glad that you have such an awesome family. I don't know if I've told you this, but my brother in law is gay. He told us all about 1 1/2 years ago and it's been "interesting" to see how everyone has handled this. My heart breaks to think of everything he has been through in trying to hide this for so long. He's one of my favorite people in the world and I love him no matter what. Other members of our family have been awful, making it "known" to him that he is never to talk about his boyfriends in their home or to ever bring them over. It really breaks my heart. Why are people so awful? I just wanted to say thanks to you for being so open and honest about everything, and for talking about this on your blog. If your parents ever teach a class I know a few people who could really use it ;).