Monday, November 23, 2009

Rock Climbing

I went rock climbing today. It was the first time in about 6 months. I loved it. I wasn't very good-my fingers hurt-the rocks and wall felt like sand paper. My fingers felt like they were going to bleed-a part of my pinkie did. It felt good to do something I love-after we were done climbing we sat on the couch and I looked around and remembered why I fell in love with things like that-things like rock climbing.

Everyone is soo nice. They encourage each other-sometimes without saying anything. People are in every position pushing themselves to get just a little higher-or to complete the next problem.

I will certainly be visiting the climbing gym more often. Its important to do things you love-things that make you feel alive.

And its nice to come home to a cute little fur ball!!


*Angie* said...

seriously? is that a real dog? I cannot believe a real dog can look so stinkin cute! You need to bring him to utah, give me a call and lets have a photoshoot! Love ya!

Ariel said...

Harley Harley Harley, you have to be the cutest dog ever! Chels, I know you are so good to that dog.

Maybe some day you can teach me to rock climb. Dave bought used shoes from the ORC and we planned on learning, but then dental school and the midwest happened. Someday right?

Unknown said...

oh chel,
every once in a while i come here and read like crazy. i can't get enough! i really thought that harley was fake! how freaking cute!?!? well, i just love you and love reading your thoughts! i will be praying for you guys and your health! love you so much! ashli

Jill J said...

What kind of dog is he? He's adorable and looks a lot like mine... RIO

Tim and Holly Fowers said...

I don't even like dogs and I just want to snuggle him! How adorable, if he doesn't bark or shed maybe I can change my mind one day.....:)

Chelsea Nelson said...

Rio! Hi!! He is a cockapoo and Holly, he doesn't bark OR shed. Guess you are getting a dog!