Saturday, January 29, 2011


People say that some things just take time. Or that the timing just isn't right. Or they don't have time. Or they have too much time. There is so much talked about when it comes to time.

Time is weird. Seconds go by; minutes go by; days go by and then before we know it, years go by. Time is always passing.

Right now I am in one of those situations that I just have to give time. It's weird and uncomfotable for me. But nothing I can do will change my situation- the only thing that will change the situation is time.

I'm sorry to be vague. I'm usually not vague on my blog.

The moral of my post is to encourage you to use your time wisely. Hopefully with all of the time that we are given, we can use it to make others laugh, to create lasting memories, to remind people that we love them, to build success and to learn. Hopefully our time is used to say sorry and I love you and to better ourselves and those around us.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Engagement Party

Sarah and Lindsey got engaged in October. They had a big party to celebrate this last weekend and I was so delighted to go. I love both of them AND I love a good party!

Me with the gals. They are getting married in October! YAY!

Me and the most beautiful and RAD gal in the entire world

Me and Lindsey- one of the best people I know! Congrats!

Now, for me to complain- or at least get on my soap box for a moment...

So their party was in Ballard- a little neighborhood about 10 minutes away from super liberal Downtown Seattle. But honestly, Ballard is liberal too. The party was in a crowded pub but had a section reserved that was marked, kinda roped off, by a sign. The sign said, ;Reserved. Sarah and Lindsey's engagement party;- or something similar. And guess what happened. There were a few bystandards- people who were complete strangers who saw the sign and mocked it. They said that it wasn't a real engagement party because gay people can't really get married.

I haven't always been sure on my stance on gay marriage- which is weird because I have always wanted to get married but I haven't really cared what it was called by the eyes of the world- or by goverment- because to me, it would be a marriage. But now, after the weekend, I will fight (whatever fighting means) and stand for marriage equality.

Sarah and Lindsey love each other a lot. Their love is beauitiful and life changing. It should be something that is celebrated. It should be supported just as much as any of my other friends who are married or engaged to someone of the opposite sex. But because they are both women, people don't see it that way. But guess what?! My relationship with my person is just as important to me as your relationship with your person is to you. Because it is real. And strong. And amazing. And I'm happy. Truly happy.

So now, I don't want a civil union. I want a marriage. And I hope I will get married someday. And I want everyone, even strangers who are in the same building as me at my engagement party to support it- or at least respect it. Heck, I'll even take people just minding their own business.

Our balls, your face

I play dodgeball. In a league. With adults. And I like it.

Every Wednesday night for the next 8 weeks I will drive to a Jr. High and throw balls as fast and as hard as I can (I can't throw very hard or very fast) at other people. Those same people who I chuck balls at- men and women- who can throw balls harder and faster than me- chuck them back at me- sometimes at my head. It's weird. And scary. But for some reason, I love it.

Our team name is 'Beastie Balls'. And our jersey's say, Our balls, your face. When we have cheers, that's what we scream. "OUR BALLS, YOUR FACE!"

I laugh everytime. I can't help it. But I love it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It is nearly 3am. My mind is going a mile a minute. I feel plugged into the wall. Today, or Wednesday (because I haven't fallen asleep yet) was a good day. Tuesday sucked. Im wondering what the difference was.

Sometimes when we wake up all we can do is take a deep breath, head out the door and do the best we can.

In all actuality, we have no idea how anything is ever going to work out. We don't know if our car will start once we turn the key. We hope it will but for some people on some days, it doesn't. The drive to work or wherever we go going isn't always the way we want. Living in Seattle I've learned that leaving my house one minute on one day means free sailing. If I leave the same minute the next day, I will might be stuck in traffic for an hour. No joke. And it sucks. Meetings don't always go as we plan, interactions with people-even friends can be off. Things change our attitudes in seconds. Sometimes we aren't nice although we are nice people. We aren't sensitive although sensitivity is one of our most visible characteristics. And maybe for that particular moment, not being nice and being insensitive is the best we can do.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I was sooo happy to be able to see these people over Christmas. I hadn't seen some of them in 3+ years. Some of my highschool friends will be my friends for life. I have no doubt.

Conversations of early morning annoucements, childhood sleepovers, having amnesia, pushing pumpkins out the window, and what each of us wore the first day of 7th grade.